When: Tuesdays 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Where: Nina’s Pavillion (see below map)
Admission & Class Fee: 1) Enter the Botanical Garden using your membership card, or via purchase of a daily admission ticket. 2) We will no longer pay the Tai Chi class fee at the front ticket counter. Instead, we will pay the $20 class fee when we arrive at our practice area.
Arrival: We suggest that you plan to arrive at the Botanical Garden’s parking lot at approximately 9:00 a.m. This will give you time to park, walk to the front entrance and ticket counter, walk to our class location at the Nina’s Pavillion, pay the $20 class fee, and greet friends before class begins.
Information & Updates: We will communicate via e-mail going forward. The Garden will no longer publish Tai Chi information on the NBG website, and staff call operators will not keep class information on hand.
Please be sure your handheld electronic devices are set up with your personal e-mail accounts. connect@naplestaichiflow.com will be the message pipeline for incoming information, including on the day of class, as well as the online address where you can direct any questions to our network.
Information on a class location change or cancellation will come to you via e-mail.
Class Content: Karen will be teaching Tai Chi for Total Health, an ongoing general class for people who enjoy the basics of Tai Chi and Qigong and like to practice together, in this case in an absolutely gorgeous outdoor environment. The simple, flowing movements shared in this class can be enjoyed by students at all levels.
Appreciation: While the Naples Botanical Garden will not act as a formal published sponsor of our class, we have consulted with management at the Garden and have NBG’s full support for this new arrangement. After launch we will share information on where to send along thanks and appreciation for this marvelous opportunity to restart class.